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Huawei Ascend Mate review: Gentle giant
18 June 2013.


​Huawei are making sure they’re taken seriously as a phone maker. They’re actually well past the newcomer stage and, with a market the size of China behind them, Huawei’s appetite will only be growing bigger to compete with the establishment...

Apple iOS 7 review: Evening the odds
14 June 2013.

The last couple of iOS updates were hanging on the wrong side between too little and too late. The user interface is six years old now and while it has been repeatedly polished in every revision so far, it was decidedly starting to look stale. And it's not just a matter of visuals either...


Nokia Lumia 928 review: Guiding light

09 June 2013.

Nokia Lumia 928 for Verizon Wireless is the carrier’s long awaited, exclusive Windows Phone 8 flagship. The LTE smartphone was part of the rumor mill for quite some time – the first reports of a high-end Nokia smartphone for the Big Red emerged...

Sony Xperia Tablet Z review: Stepping up

29 May 2013.

The Xperia Tablet Z gets a prominent spot in a long list of iconic designs by Sony. Easily one of the best looking tablets around, the Z inherits the slim, water-resistant design of its smartphone counterpart, which earns it extra points with the outdoor-loving...


HTC One review: To rule them all
22 March 2013.

Voted Manufacturer of the Year in 2011 by the GSMA and emerging as the top US smartphone vendor later that year, HTC hit a rough patch and was struggling to find form through the better part of 2012....

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